Agricultural Lime

Ag Lime

Calcium Carbonate

Packaging: Bulk, 1 ton Bulk Bags

Description: White Sand, top size of 2mm and a high percentage of fines

Storage: Store in Dry Area

Application: Aerial topdressing or ground spread

  • Websters Ag Lime is free flowing, with high fines percentage for immediate results capable of being spread through land spreader and aeroplane.

    Websters Ag Lime is sourced onsite from high grade limestone, with an available lime content of 90%+

    Agricultural lime is a completely natural way to improve your pastures health with no adverse affects to your surrounding environment.

    The primary reason for applying Agricultural lime is to increase your soil PH, that in turn offers the following benefits:

    Increased pasture production, which leads to increased animal live weights.

    Liming unlocks the full potential of your fertiliser programme, at optimal PH levels your phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, nitrogen and other trace elements become available to your plant matter, these would otherwise remain unavailable in acidic soils.

    Ag Lime is a low cost option for increasing pasture growth, in lean times it will give you great results at a fraction of the cost of other fertilisers.

    Ag Lime assist with drainage by improving soil structure by improving the tilth and crumb formations.

    Ag Lime sweetens the soil often making pastures more palatable to stock.

    Lime stimulates growth in legumes and clovers.

    Ag lime can reduce stock health problems by providing better more available grazing creating a healthier environment.

    Ag Lime promotes worm and bacteria activity necessary for maintaining healthy soil.

    Calving cows must not be put on limed pastures for up to two weeks after lime spreading.


AP10 AP20 AP40 AP65

Packaging: Bulk

Description: Butter coloured sand

Storage: No special requirements necessary

  • Limestone driveways are a great way to have an attractive durable driveway at a fraction of the cost of other alternatives.

    At Websters we have a number of products to cater to different requirements, wether the area is low lying and wet or on an incline we can tailor the right product to give you a long lasting solution.

    We offer a range of size options to cater to different applications.

    AP10 - 10mm top size perfect for Horse Arenas

    AP20 - 20mm top size Driveway Lime top course

    AP40 - 40mm top size for both top and base course

    AP65 - 65mm top size great for base course

    Websters Lime is unique in Hawkes Bay as we are able to offer Burnt Lime for soil and road stabilisation.

    Lime stabilisation has been around for centuries; it is an efficient and cost effective way to improve the workability and load bearing characteristics of your farm track or driveway.

    The two main benefits in lime stabilisation is the drying effect it has on wet soils commonly utilised in the building industry on wet access roads and building pads reducing their down time, and the most important, substantially increasing the load bearing characteristics of your subgrade while still maintaining a level of flexibility, particularly effective on clay soils typical in Hawkes Bay.

    A stabilised driveway will dramatically increase the durability of your sub base and surface layers.

Fine Ground Limeflour

Packaging: Bulk, 1 ton Bulk Bags, 25kg bags

Description: Fine white powder

Storage: Store in Dry Area

Application: Slurry application, Prill, mix with stock feed, Liquid oral injection

  • Fine Ground limestone or Lime flour comes from the same high quality limestone as our Ag Lime but it is ground to a top size of 100 microns, the fine nature of the products means it has a higher reactivity rate becoming available to plant matter immediately offering an initial “punch” to your PH levels.

    This product is idea for pastures that are in need of immediate PH lift or if you only require a short burst for crop rotation. It is applied as a liquid fertiliser typically with other elements, to have a quick impact on your pasture growth and cropping programmes.

    At Websters we supply Lime Flour to the dairy industry to prevent milk fever immediately after calving. To prevent Milk fever start dosing immediately after calving for at least 4 days (colostrum period) and as long as several weeks or moths. The dose rate is generally 100-300g per cow per day.

    To use as a drench mix one part fine Lime Flour with four parts water stir regularly and flush equipment after use.

    To dose calcium deficient cows Lime Flour can be added t maze or field cereals at a rate of 50-300g per cow per day or add to the feed at a rate of 60-100 per Kg of feed on a wet basis.

    ******* Do not feed to Cows in their last two months of pregnancy*******

    Lime flour is used extensively for industrial applications, such as in glues, polymers, fillers and paints etc.

Arena Lime - Horse Arena

Packaging: Bulk

Description: 10mm all in

Storage: N/A

Application: This product is ideal for Horse arenas as it will stay loose with minimal maintenance, providing a soft underfoot surface for your animals

Rocks - Landscaping

Packaging: Bulk

Description:Variety of Sizes

Storage: N/A

Application: Bridge Abutments, Rock Walls, Landscaping, Base Course.

  • Our Quarry has a range of Rock sizes to choose from:

    Overs 20 - 100mm

    Gabion Rock -100-150mm

    Rip Rap 300-500mm

    Rock 500mm +

    Landscape Chip - 30mm clean chip

Stabilised driveway lime – stabilised driveways
Washed sand – chicken feed
Mortise sand – block laying
Unwashed sand – block laying
Base course – road construction
Quarry fill + stabilised quarry fill – for filling sections creating stock banks etc.