• In short NO, there can be huge variations in Available Lime Content (ALC) within a single quarry as well as between quarries in different geographic locations. The best option is to ask your local quarry for their latest ALC tests to find the best quality products, or check online at www.fertqual.co.nz to see which quarries are Fertmark Certified.

  • To prevent milk fever in dairy cows, start dosing immediately after calving for at least 4 days (colostrum period) and continue for several weeks or months. The dose rate is generally 100 -300g per cow per day.

    To use as a drench, mix one part fine ground lime with four parts water. Stir regularly and flush equipment after use.

    To dose calcium deficient cows, fine ground lime can be added to maize or field cereals at a rate of 50 -300g per cow per day or add to feed at a rate of 60 – 120g per kg of feed on a wet basis.


  • When producing hydrated Lime WHL also produce a product called Hydrate tailings, when mixed with driveway lime and correctly laid, will act as a binder giving you a much stronger surface. This is ideal for areas of high traffic or steep gradients.

  • At WHL we have a number of track/driveway products to suit your requirements including Driveway Lime, Driveway fines, AP40, Stabilised Driveway Mixes.

  • Agricultural lime is selectively removed from the quarry face then crushed to a variety of size variations based on market requirements and stone quality.

    Industrial Lime is selectively removed from the quarry face crushed to a suitable size then heated to 9000 + for 30 minutes which changes the chemical composition from Calcium Carbonate CaCo3 to Calcium Oxide Cao. Cao is used extensively in road stabilisation, wastewater treatment and agriculture. At WHL we then add water to the Cao creating Calcium Hydroxide Ca(OH)2. This product is used in the tanning industry, municipal water treatment, wastewater treatment, C02 absorption and pesticide manufacturing.

  • Arena Lime is raw limestone crushed to a top size of 10mm. This grade of limestone will provide a soft free draining surface for your horses.

  • The best way to describe the Available Lime Content is the amount of “Active Ingredients” contained within a load of lime. If you have an Ag lime with 80% available lime, it means that only 80% of the load you receive will be effective. The higher the available lime content the better it will work to raise the pH in your soil.

    At WHL our AG lime is between 90-95% available lime. We have Fertmark certification which is independently monitored by Federated Farmers to ensure we meet a minimum vale of 90%. The benefits are obvious – the higher the ALC the less you will spend on product and transport.

  • Agricultural lime is essential for the health of a well-balanced pasture. It is proven that farms that regularly apply Ag Lime see increases in pasture production which in turn lead to increases in animal live weight, wool weight and milk solids.

    Ag lime is a low cost way to unlock your pastures full potential by correcting pH imbalances, increasing the availability of Phosphorous (P) Nitrogen, (N) Potassium, (K) Calcium, (Ca), Magnesium (Mg) and other trace elements such as boron and molybdenum.